
This is a plan to read through the bible  in a year reading all the major biblical themes and stories.
Sorry I have been forgeting to update this.  I will try harder from now on.

Monday: Genesis 11:1-9 The Tower Of Babel
        Whom do you trust more than God?

Tuesday: Genesis 12:1-9; 17:1-8 God's promis to Abraham
        How does God affect the way you make decisions?

Wednesday: Genesis 18:1-15
        What is your basic attitude towards strangers?

Thursday: Genesis 19:15-29
        How does God feel about sin?

Friday: Genesis 21:8-21 Hagar and Ishmael
        How does God deal with the messes in your life?

Saturday: Genesis 22:1-19 Abraham's painful decision
        What do you have trouble giving up to God?

Sunday: Genesis 24:1-27 A Man named Eliezar
        How do you approach difficult tasks?
